Monday, September 19, 2011

Today is Monday, September 19, 2011

One year ago I had this surgery.  (actually one year ago tomorrow, but it was on a Monday so I will count it as a year. LOL)

I am getting ready to go back to Disney in a few days, and I am really hoping to be able to ride some rides I didn't get to last time...we'll see.

In the past few months I have been experiencing some more pain and discomfort in my neck.  There is a possibility that the bone spurs have grown back, or that the other vertebrae that was bad (but not bad enough for the insurance to pay for ) has gotten worse.  My doctor wants me to go in for some more tests to see if another surgery is needed, but I am stalling.

Sound familiar, right?

Of course, I still have my ORIGINAL bottle of pain pills from the recovery process.  I was offered a refill a few weeks into the recovery time, but since I rarely took them I declined it.  I am guessing once these are gone, I will consider getting it looked at again.  If I can make the pain meds last a  little over a year when they were designed to last only 2 weeks, I think I am doing pretty well!

When quilting, or embroidering, or really any sewing, I have to wear the soft collar.  It helps me to remember to hold my neck right and not slouch!  The slouching is what causes my neck to hurt the most!

Of course today, while attempting to clean the house, I got a catch in my neck that caused shooting pain down to my hands.  Probably not a good sign especially since it is still hurting a little over an hour later.  Probably a good thing that I have a doctor's appointment right after we get back from Disney!
