Thursday, September 23, 2010

Day Two

First, I have to say that my daughter thought that my daughter had a lot to say about my last post. For instance I talked to a lot of people on Monday, and it wasn't dark.  The sun was so bright that they closed the blinds.  She did say I asked her about every 5 minutes what time it was.  I told you, I had no concept of the passage of time.  And the wall clock was put where I couldn't see it without moving my head!

OK, so now we are on to the second day.
That morning started really early!  Like at 5:30 am!  I mean, if you are going to talk to someone about what they want for breakfast at 5:30...don't wait until 9:30 to bring it to them!  I discovered this morning that my throat was swollen (to be expected) and swallowing was anything but easy.  I had a terrible headache (explained to me to be a 'spinal' headache because of the work that was done on my spine.) So my nurse decided to give me 2 Lortabs and a Tylenol smashed up in applesauce.

Let's just say that applesauce does NOT mask the taste of medicines...and if the meds are not crushed enough there are large chunks of yuck!  Somehow, I didn't think to explain that meds like Lortab effect me very in I am very easily sedated.  Before I got the meds down, I was already feeling the effects of the Lortab. They had brought me a regular breakfast, and I discovered I could not even get a small piece of canned peach down.  And you know how soft canned peaches are!  So, my daughter had the task of moving me back to bed and ordering me a new breakfast...which we actually ended up not needing.

The main pain I felt that morning and early afternoon were the swelling in my neck/throat and the headache.

Of course the decision to let me go home was almost unbearable for me!  See, when that decision had been made, I still had my IV, still had my drain, and had not walked anywhere except to the bathroom assisted.  So, the IV had to be removed, the drain taken out (NOT a pretty sight and NOT comfortable at ALL.  I would say it was borderline painful!)

Then, they had me get on the walker and walk down the hall and back.  Now, remember, I had not been able to walk to the bathroom without feeling like I was going to pass out.  Dizzy does not begin to explain how I felt!

The, while I am still dizzy, a nurse came to go over about 15 pages of paperwork for my discharge!

Well, finally the trip home was underway!  By far, that was the most painful thing I experienced the whole time.  I think it was even more painful than the worst pain I felt at any time even 6 months BEFORE the surgery! I really think I should have been offered another Lortab before the trip was started.  I know hubby drove carefully, but I did not realize how many bumps were in the road!  There was no way to relax in the car, and this was the first time I had been expected to support my head by myself.

In hindsight, I can definitely say I should not have left the hospital that night.  I was not able to walk unassisted, and not able to support my own head.  Another night in the hospital would have taken care of both of those problems.

That night did not bring any new realizations, only that I already started being bored.  I could not get comfortable, there is nothing on the tv in the middle of the night, and my hubby will be glad when this is all over and he is allowed to sleep in his own bed again!


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