Sunday, September 26, 2010

Day ?

OK.  So my idea of updating daily isn't quite working out the way I had planned.  But I do mean well.

First of all, to anyone who is thinking of having this surgery-don't be stubborn.  I can't even remember how many years I have been in pain; or even the first time this surgery was recommended to me.  While I will admit there has been some discomfort since the surgery, my pain has just about ended.  I had a brief bout of tingling and numbness in my arms and hands a day after surgery, but that has gone away.  When I think of how long ago this could have all been over it almost makes me angry at myself for not doing it sooner!

I am still having trouble sleeping through the night...but since I still take so many naps it only makes sense!  I get very tired, very easy.  But I do notice each day getting stronger.Of course the boredom is the real kicker!  LOL!
I tried to play a game of solitaire on my phone last night...I wasn't able to concentrate on it long enough to finish! So, I'm guessing that boredom isn't the only problem I am having, I just haven't had anything to spend any real time trying to concentrate to discover there is an issue with that!  LOL

(of course, there are those in my family that will say I have always had a problem with concentration...but they shall remain quiet for now!)

Now...these stupid braces are another story all together!  I hate them!  One soft collar to wear around the house, one Philadelphia to wear while taking a shower, and an Aspen to wear while going out.  I am convinced the Aspen is designed to keep you from wanting to go out!  It is the MOST uncomfortable thing I have EVER worn!

Even breathing takes  extra thought and effort!  As I wait for hubby to get back and take me to church services, I realize I have had it on for an hour already and can't wait to get this thing off!!!!!

But other than that...I think this surgery was a good idea for me.  No problems swallowing, (except in THIS collar), no pain, no problems talking, and overall a good recovery far!


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